Adult Ministries
Our goal in Discipleship is to help you connect with these 4 Rhythms in your life: Belong, Grow, Serve, and Reach. These four rhythms represent and communicate a holistic vision for what the Christian life should look like. These rhythms are more than slogans, they represent priorities we should each intentionally set, they are the rhythms by which we want to live our lives. They are measuring sticks to measure our spiritual growth. When we are intentionally investing in each of these rhythms, we will be passionately pursuing Christ. This is the life of discipleship.
Being connected to the Body of Christ
Being transformed into the likeness of Christ
Using the gifts God has given us to edify the church
Sharing the love of Christ with the world through evangelism and through local and global missions
Discipleship Classes
Next Step BELONG opportunities:
Starting Point - If you have questions about what it means to be a Christian, or have someone in your life that you would like to share Jesus with, but aren’t quite sure where to start, this is the place for you. Starting Point is an 8-week experience where we simply have conversations about faith, and about God, and provide the opportunity to ask questions in a safe environment.
Discover - If you are a new believer in Jesus or simply someone who wants to start at the beginning and lay a foundation for what it means to be a member of the family of God, this is the place for you. This is a 12-week class that will meet on Sunday mornings and will explore how to start well in the faith, as well as establishes helpful practices and priorities to live a life pleasing to God.
Membership - This is a 4-week class through which those desiring membership are able to learn more fully about the history of Chino Valley Community Church, as well as understand the doctrinal distinctives of both our church and our denomination-so that they understand what membership in a church truly means. This is a next step towards fully engaging in the life of our church body.
next step grow opportunities:
Transformed - An opportunity to experience: a fully fleshed out model for what the life of a disciple of Christ looks like, a blueprint for how to engage in the life of the body, and a roadmap for becoming a fully devoted follower of Christ. This class is the starting place for those who desire to dive deeply into the life of discipleship.
Fundamentals of the Faith - This class provides an opportunity to be fully grounded in the essential truths of Christianity. Even seasoned believers benefit greatly from this class. Learn not only what you believe, but why you believe it. This class grounds our people in the core truths of the faith in an in-depth way.
How to Share Your Faith - In this class we will explore what being a contagious Christian looks like, and give you the tools you need to be confident in sharing your faith with others. Each time we offer this class we will focus on a different aspect of apologetics and evangelism. Here, our people will grow in understanding and confidence in how to live out what sharing their faith looks like in every arena of life.
How to Study the Bible - Get the tools you need to properly understand how best to study God’s Word. You will walk away from this class more confident that you ever have been before both in the Bible itself, and in how to appropriate God’s truths in your life.