CVCC Small Groups
Doing Life Together
CVCC Small Groups exist to provide opportunities for our people to connect with others,
and to grow in their faith, obedience, and Christlikeness. This is how we do life together.
Our desire is that everyone at CVCC be connected to a Small Group.
Focus of our small groups
How are groups formed?
Small groups leader / host training
Familiarity with the Bible
Application of the Bible in our daily lives
Establish connection and fellowship to the Church body
Build and foster godly influence
Most are based on life stages and family situations
Several dedicated inter-generational groups
Approximately 8 - 14 people
We do not force split or merge of groups
Sign up each semester
We are looking for small group leaders and hosts for the semester starting August 2023
Prayerfully consider being a small group leader or host
If interested, click on the “Small Group Leadership Training” button below
Frequently Asked Questions About Small Groups
We believe small groups are one of the best discipleship vehicles where people can do life together.
CVCC small groups are typically groups of 8 - 14 people, some smaller and some bigger, meeting weekly.
A majority of the groups are based on common stage of life, i.e. families with young children, families with teens, empty nesters, singles, seniors, etc. A few groups are inter-generational, consisting of people from all age groups.
Everyone small group has at least one small group leader. An average small group meeting lasts for an hour and a half.
Most of our small groups meet on various evenings of the week in the homes of the group leader or host. A typical meeting time would be from 7pm to 8:30pm.
Some small groups meet on church campus. Their meeting days and times vary.
Starting the fall semester of 2022, we will have on campus in-person and online opportunities for you to sign up for groups. Please look for those starting mid-July.
If want to connect sooner, please click on the “I want to join a group” button above and we will try our best to find you a group.
We want to be as flexible as possible. However, we do ask, if you decide to join a group, as much as you can, commit to it for at least that one semester. If things still don’t work out by the end of the semester, we will help you to locate and sign up for a different group.
Although each group may differ, we believe however, each small group should practice the “Five Transformational Activities”.
1) Study and apply the Word of God - systematically study the Bible and apply God’s Word in our lives, so that we can establish the desire and ability for deeper spiritual growth.
2) Pray - Learn and practice how to pray, praise, give thanks and intercede.
3) Fellowship - Practice loving one another, build community and develop accountability
4) Worship - Bring our gifts to God and share our testimonies
5) Serve - Evangelize, share our faith, serve our community
Most of the small groups are sermon passage-based. Meaning the study and discussion will center around the previous week’s sermon and Bible passage.
We believe the Word of God is living and active, and it should have an influence and impact on our everyday lives.
A comprehensive study guide is provide to everyone for each sermon series. The study guide acts as the handbook and the curriculum for most of our small groups to use.
Here are some of the guiding principles of CVCC small groups:
1) It takes commitment - as mentioned earlier, as much as we can we ask you to commit to the small group of your choice for at least one semester. Often, good fellowship takes time to build.
2) It is flexible - we also understand, sometimes things just don’t work out. After one semester of commitment, if you need to, feel free to sign up for a different small group. No strings attached, no questions asked.
3) Let the groups grow at their own pace - each group is different. We want each group to grow at its own pace. There will be no forced division of groups or merger of groups.
4) Let life happen in small groups - Things happen - loss of job, sickness, financial difficulties, relationship problems - When they do, let’s go through life in our small groups with others. This is where we learn to pray for, encourage and support one another.
5) Training is vital - we won’t have good small groups if we don’t have good leaders. There will be both initial training and on-going training for our small group leaders. We encourage you to participate in those trainings as much as you can.
6) Urgency to connect - It is our priority to connect guests, visitors, new believers and new members into a small group. This is the purpose of our “Start Here” groups - ensuring everyone “new” gets connected to CVCC as soon as possible.
For those groups meeting on church campus on Sundays and Wednesday nights, we have kids programming and dedicated childcare for you.
For those groups meeting in homes, the groups are responsible for securing their own childcare providers. However, CVCC will reimburse the groups for childcare expenses incurred.
Please contact the church office for more details.
We are so glad you are interested in becoming a small group leader or host. Please click on the “Small Group Leadership Training” button above and register for the training. Someone will be touch shortly.
Or if you prefer, please email our discipleship pastor Jeff Carter at
Yes we do. We have small groups for our junior high and high school students. If you have any questions about youth small groups, please email our family ministry pastor, Ken Elben at