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Facebook: CVCC Parents
Children’s Ministry Director
Rena Gonzales
Our theme for our Kids Ministry is GROW. “But the seed on good soil stands for those with a noble and good heart, who hear the word, retain it, and by persevering produce a crop.” Luke 8:15. We provide three unique and age appropriate environments for your kids to experience God’s love: Seedlings (Birth-3yrs old), Sprouts (4yrs old-Kindergarten), & Saplings (1st-4th grade).
First time at CVCC
Please plan to arrive 15-20 min before the service starts. When you arrive, look for the area designated New Clubhouse Members. We will greet your family there and register your child(ren) for the appropriate classroom.
After you are registered, you and your child will be given matching security tags that are unique to your family and your visit. Your child will wear the name tag portion of your matching security tags, which bears a code that is matched to your portion during checkout. When you return to your child’s room, you will need to show your portion of the tag for your child to be released to you.
If your child needs you during the service, we will contact you via text using the cell phone number with which you signed in.
We know your child’s safety is important to you and we share that concern. From matching parent and child security tags to ensuring that every volunteer is screened with an interview and background check, we go to great lengths to ensure that each area is a safe and enjoyable experience for you and your child.
Are you interested in serving in the children’s ministry? Serving in the Clubhouse can be one of the best ways to grow spiritually, build relationships and make an impact in our community. If you are interested in serving, download and complete the APPLICATION and email it to Rena Gonzales.
SUNDAYS AT 9:00AM & 10:45AM